Cow and Chicken
TV Shows
6 min
Steak and Chicken is an American animated comedy television show made by David Feiss for Cartoon Network. The show follows the adventures of a cow, termed Cow, along with her poultry brother. They are frequently antagonized by"The Red Guy", that poses as various characters to scam them. Late in to the series run, the characters I.M. Weasel and I.R. Baboon, that were part of this show' recurring department, I Am Weasel, were given their own half-hour collection of the same name.
Much like some other Cartoon Network series from the 1990s along with Dexter's Laboratory, the pilot looked as an episode of the animated shorts showcase project What a Cartoon! , the brainchild of Fred Seibert, then-president of Hanna-Barbera. The Cow and Chicken series first broadcast on Cartoon Network from July 15, 1997, together with reruns broadcasting prominently over the network until April 2006, to July 2-4, 1999. Reruns are played. The show was nominated for an Emmy Award in 1996 and 1998.
Additional Info
Duration6 min
CountryUnited States of America
ProductionHanna-Barbera Productions
Season 1
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
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